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Open Government Initiative

Open Gov

Welcome to the ONHIR’s Open Government Web page.  This page includes important ONHIR data sets and information to help the American public better understand the work of the agency and contribute ideas that will promote the effectiveness and efficiency of our mission.    The information on this page complements the many other Federal agency data sets located at


 In order to increase transparency, participation, and collaboration in the federal government, the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (ONHIR) has initiated an Open Government Plan to improve public access to vital information. 

Our Plan:

Transparency.  ONHIR will provide the general public, as well as our clients, with current information about the status of relocation.  The Office will also provide updated information on the number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)cases.   The Office will also include instructions for applicants who have been denied eligibility under the ONHIR housing program on what time limit is required on the various appeals, and where these appeals must be filed.

As part of the Transparency Initiative, the Office will include our Strategic Plans (GPRA), and Performance and Accountability Report for general public viewing.  In addition, ONHIR plans to include more oft-requested information on this website as Data Sets.

Participation.  ONHIR will continue to solicit advice from experts both inside and outside of the federal government in fulfilling our mission.  In addition, the Office will inform the general public of what is required in being a contractor with ONHIR for the building of relocation homes.  The Office will also include a list of the normal requirements that must be met before a house can be built for or purchased by an eligible family.  

Collaboration.  ONHIR provided a Tribal Consultation Initiative to the Office of Management and Budget in February 2010, indicating how we collaborate with the Navajo Nation, the Hopi Tribe, and various sub-levels of these two tribal entities on a daily basis.  ONHIR has regularly updated the Tribal Consultation Initiative, with the latest update as of May 1, 2020. ONHIR is committed to this collaboration and has found innovative ways to accomplish our goals.  The Office will continue to respond to any public requests for information and monitor any suggestions from the general public via an email system on our official ONHIR website that receives, tracks, and responds to input, both for FOIA requests and other items.

Our Data-Sets:

What makes this a high-value data set?   These data sets can be used to increase agency accountability, improve public knowledge of the agency(PL93-531) and it’s operations, and further the agency’s mission.

How is this new?  These data sets present information in a machine accessible, downloadable format, which has not been previously available to the public.

Datasets available from the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation

Status of Relocation Efforts.  This data-set indicates how many applications for relocation have been certified as eligible, and how many have been denied.  Of those that have been deemed eligible, this data-set indicates the present status of those eligible clients.  This data-set will be updated quarterly.

Annual Reports and Budget Documents.  ONHIR will provide the most current budget reports submitted to Congress so the general public can see where funding has been requested. 

Reports to Congress

FAIR Act Information.   ONHIR will continue to post FAIR Act information on our website so the public will be aware of staffing within the Office.  This posting is required to be updated yearly. 

FOIA Information.  FOIA annual reports, as well as procedures for filing an FOIA request, will continue to be posted on our official ONHIR website.  Currently, there is no backlog of FOIA requests, and questions about FOIA items can be made by accessing the web information posted. You can review our latest  Annual FOIA Reports by clicking this line.

FEEDBACK ONHIR welcomes the public input on these data sets, the agency’s Open Gov Plan and any other ways that ONHIR can promote the values of transparency, participation, and collaboration in government.  Please direct feedback to .

ONHIR is  a Micro/Temporary/Non CFO reporting agency with less than 100 FTE’s and as such does not have a separate IT Budget.

Updated: 07/08/2024